Supreme Foundation,

established as a social leg of Supreme, is devoted to social and environmental upliftment.

The Foundation has been built by Supreme on the sole motto of Sarvena Sukhinah Bhavantu - happiness and peace for all. The Supreme Foundation has created a lot of notable initiatives to actively pursue its social responsibility of creating a better future in an effort to give back to society and the environment from which we benefit so greatly.


Considering education as the highest form of charity, Supreme Foundation places education at the core of all of its initiatives. From building knowledge centres and educational institutions to enabling easy access to education for the underprivileged, the foundation envisions empowering individuals across the nation. Here are some of Supreme’s educational initiatives:

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  • Project of educational up-gradation of Govt. Sanskrit Schools in Nagaur, Churu, Ajmer, Bikaner, Hanumangarh, Sri Ganganagar, Jhunjhunu, Tonk & Bhilwara.
  • Promoting holistic education through sports and cultural activities.
  • Making education accessible to underprivileged children and recognising merit-achieving students.
  • Providing physical resources like classroom construction, toilet blocks for students, classroom furniture, distribution of educational material, sweaters, etc.
  • Enabling digital-first education with provisions like computer labs in schools, mobile computer labs, and e-learning facilities.
  • Employment of teachers in primary schools and lecturers at remote educational institutes in Rajasthan in collaboration with the state government.
  • With programs like Shiksha Aapke Dwaar, the foundation provided community learning during COVID-19.

COVID Relief

Evidently, the COVID-19 pandemic posed serious challenges to humanity. The Supreme Foundation knew nothing better than to lend a helping hand to society. Owing to this, the foundation made a humble donation of INR 8 CR to the PM CARES Fund, various states’ CM Relief Fund, and NGOs. We launched the medical initiative Chikitsa Aapke Dwar which distributed free medication for COVID-19 relief. Supreme Foundation volunteers encouraged villagers to get vaccinated through a special vaccination awareness drive which was appreciated by the state government.

Health Care Initiatives

In the fast-paced world, health has become a raging and overlooked concern in society. Lack of access to healthcare resources is particularly problematic in underprivileged and rural communities. The Supreme Foundation has been contributing to guarantee that they have easy access to healthcare facilities.

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  • Mobilization of oxygen plants at hospitals in Nagaur and Ladnun for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.
  • Provision of medical equipment, including oxygen concentrators, ECGs, CBCs, and nebulizers, to government hospitals in Rajasthan, Kerala, and West Bengal for the treatment of patients.
  • Establishing Chikitsa Aapke Dwaar and Volunteer Teachers - Vaccination Program for villages in Rajasthan during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Supreme Foundation established a facility under the Village Health Improvement Initiative in Dhadgaon, Nandurbar district, Maharashtra. This facility consists of a mobile medical van outfitted with the necessary medications, diagnostic tools, medical personnel, etc.

We for Village

India is predominantly created of rural areas, thereby most of our facilities share neighborhoods with villages across different states in India. As a socially responsible corporate, we remain engaged in promoting a better lifestyle in these villages and close by.

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To overcome an acute drinking water shortage, Supreme supplies 1,50,000 litres of water to the Gadegaon village in Maharashtra every day from a water pond at its Gadegaon facility.

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Supreme Foundation is continuously setting up public convenience facilities in Jalgaon to help the district maintain public sanitation.

Care for the Caregivers

We rely on one another for our primary needs since we are social beings. However, there comes a time when the indispensable caregivers who weave the fabric of our society need our help to sustain their lives. At such times, it is only fair that we do everything in our mite to help them.

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  • Supreme donates generously to Police Welfare Funds to assist police families in Maharashtra with schooling, scholarships, healthcare, and special assistance to widows.
  • Supreme donated financial assistance of INR 1100 each to all 72000 plumbers in our database to help sustain our fellow community of plumbers during the pandemic. Furthermore, the foundation aims to provide them with insurance to maintain their stability.
  • Building a community hall for police boot camps, conferences, cultural events, yoga & meditation, and as an insurgent transit habitation facility for police personnel.

Environmental Conservation

We at Supreme are committed to environmental conservation, and we encourage our employees to do so. We undertake plantation programs across our facilities & manufacturing plants. We also partner with various NGOs for plantation programs in various regions. We have even taken up plantation in many villages. With the help of our 'Volunteer Teachers,' we have planted over 100,000 trees as a part of our afforestation program.

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