PVC Drain Pipe - Hi-Tech Structured Wall Plastic Pipes
Foam Core Structured Wall Pipes, an innovative alternative to traditional PVC drain pipes, are gaining popularity in underground drainage and sewerage applications. While PVC pipes are ideal for these purposes, cost considerations often hinder widespread acceptance compared to conventional stoneware or RCC pipes. Technological advancements have led to the evolution of various structured wall pipes, providing a cost-effective solution. Among them, Eco-drainage pipes stand out with their unique wall structure featuring longitudinal holes, following an I-beam construction profile. Unlike solid wall PVC pipes, Eco-drain pipes are noticeably lighter and more affordable, offering comparable stiffness. In fact, they weigh significantly less than concrete pipes with equivalent load-bearing capacity. This distinctive design makes Foam Core Structured Wall Pipes a cost-effective choice, addressing the previous constraints associated with PVC drain pipes. Today, these structured plastic pipes are gaining widespread acceptance in the drainage and sewerage segment, providing a durable and economically advantageous solution.
Supreme’s structured wall plastic pipes are available in sizes ranging from 110 to 400 mm in SN 2, SN 4, and SN 8 classes, catering to various applications. These pipes are manufactured following the industry standards specified in IS 16098, ensuring reliability and performance.

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Structural strength - Eco- drainage pipes are designed using I-beam construction which provides a high moment of inertia and hence sufficiently durable to meet soil overload requirements.
High flow capacity/hydraulics - Superior hydraulics due to mirror smooth internal surface and hence reduces the possibility of blockage.
Watertight joints - These drainage pipes have a unique design of joints with a click ring and sealing ring to ensure completely leak-proof joints.
Great flexibility - Installation becomes very convenient and faster due to the lightweight and longer lengths of pipes.
Minimum installation expenses - Trench width and gradients requirements are minimized due to simple jointing technique and high flow rates, which results in extensively saving in the installation cost.
Excellent resistance to corrosion and chemical attacks
Hygienic and safe - High standard of hygiene is maintained because of the watertight joints and trouble-free performance of the pipes without any blockage or leakage.
Low maintenance costs- These Underground drainage pipes are easy to maintain and have minimal maintenance.
Long life - The structured wall plastic pipes are sufficiently durable as they resist corrosion, sediment buildup, and ill effects of chemical reactions.
Cost-effective - Supreme Eco- drainage pipes are cost-effective, as compared to conventional pipes and solid wall PVC pipes over the life cycle.