Square Gully Trap (IP)
Supreme's Square Gully Trap, the essential link between your drain pipe and underground drainage system. Designed to seamlessly channel water into the system, this square gully trap also serves as a reliable barrier, keeping unpleasant odors and gases confined within the drains where they belong. With its sturdy construction and efficient functionality, it ensures a clean and odor-free environment without any fuss. Choose Supreme's Square Gully Trap for dependable drainage solutions that prioritize hygiene and convenience.
Product Range
Item Code
{{ product.item_code }}
{{ product.colour }}
Size (mm)
{{ product.size_mm }}
Size (inches)
Box Qty
{{ product.quantity }}
{{ product.length }}
SDR / Schedule
{{ product.schedule }}
{{ product.size_capacity }}
Socket Type
{{ product.socket_type }}
Pressure Class (Kgf/cm2)
{{ product.pressure_class_kg }}
Nominal Stiffness
{{ product.nominal_ring_stiffness }}
Length H
{{ product.length_h }}
{{ product.d1 }}
{{ product.d2 }}
{{ product.d3 }}
Material Grade
{{ product.material_gread }}
Diameter (meter)
{{ product.diameter }}
Discharge LPM
{{ product.discharge_lpm }}
No Variants available.